Modern Eggshell - 750 ml


For most colors and finishes we are now able to provide same day service on pickup orders of Farrow and Ball® Paints and Primers.

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Farrow & Ball Paints, Primers, and Wallpapers have been globally-renown in the design community since the 1940s! They are especially well known for their marvelous colour palette, as well as eco-friendly, ultra-low VOC, and earth-based qualities-- they use the best quality pigments for each colour, meaning each colour is a unique recipe from another and cannot be matched.

They are safe to work with indoors, and safe around children and pets. Performance is impeccable, because this water-based paint is higher in paint pigment solids than other commercial brands of wall and trim paints. Visit us for a free project and product consultation, for colour swatches to take home, and for Estate Emulsion Sample Pots to test your design ideas at home! 

  • Covers approx. 95 sq.ft., for interiors only, washable and wipeable, 40% sheen. Available in all 132 colours.

  • Recommended for interior woods, metals, and concrete surfaces (such as trim, furniture, cabinets). Modern Eggshell is a semi-gloss/sheen that's extremely hardwearing, and can also be used for flooring projects. This water-based paint finish can be applied with a brush and/or roller with a recommended 2-step process of primer plus paint. Modern Eggshell is eco-friendly and ultra-low VOC, meaning a hardly detectable odor. It's quick drying in 2 hours and ready for recoating in 4 hours.

  • To apply with best success: Make sure your surface has been cleaned, dried, and free from debris prior to priming. Prime with one good coat of the best primer tone for your chosen paint colour and finish type, and let dry. Apply one coat of paint in a consistent manner, and recoat in 4 hours.

  • Visit our F&B Paint + Primer page to see which primer tone best matches to your chosen colour! *Why prime? Priming will ensure the best durability of your chosen paint finish for it's chosen location, and will ensure that your paint colour will match the sample you tried out (paint colours may look different on certain un-primed walls).

  • *All Farrow and Ball Paint is made to order, all sales are final. Please contact us asap with any questions at 512-766-3486 or! 


*View our Shipping Policies here.

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For most colors and finishes we are now able to provide same day service on pickup orders of Farrow and Ball® Paints and Primers.

Scroll to bottom for colour options.

Farrow & Ball Paints, Primers, and Wallpapers have been globally-renown in the design community since the 1940s! They are especially well known for their marvelous colour palette, as well as eco-friendly, ultra-low VOC, and earth-based qualities-- they use the best quality pigments for each colour, meaning each colour is a unique recipe from another and cannot be matched.

They are safe to work with indoors, and safe around children and pets. Performance is impeccable, because this water-based paint is higher in paint pigment solids than other commercial brands of wall and trim paints. Visit us for a free project and product consultation, for colour swatches to take home, and for Estate Emulsion Sample Pots to test your design ideas at home! 

  • Covers approx. 95 sq.ft., for interiors only, washable and wipeable, 40% sheen. Available in all 132 colours.

  • Recommended for interior woods, metals, and concrete surfaces (such as trim, furniture, cabinets). Modern Eggshell is a semi-gloss/sheen that's extremely hardwearing, and can also be used for flooring projects. This water-based paint finish can be applied with a brush and/or roller with a recommended 2-step process of primer plus paint. Modern Eggshell is eco-friendly and ultra-low VOC, meaning a hardly detectable odor. It's quick drying in 2 hours and ready for recoating in 4 hours.

  • To apply with best success: Make sure your surface has been cleaned, dried, and free from debris prior to priming. Prime with one good coat of the best primer tone for your chosen paint colour and finish type, and let dry. Apply one coat of paint in a consistent manner, and recoat in 4 hours.

  • Visit our F&B Paint + Primer page to see which primer tone best matches to your chosen colour! *Why prime? Priming will ensure the best durability of your chosen paint finish for it's chosen location, and will ensure that your paint colour will match the sample you tried out (paint colours may look different on certain un-primed walls).

  • *All Farrow and Ball Paint is made to order, all sales are final. Please contact us asap with any questions at 512-766-3486 or! 


*View our Shipping Policies here.

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For most colors and finishes we are now able to provide same day service on pickup orders of Farrow and Ball® Paints and Primers.

Scroll to bottom for colour options.

Farrow & Ball Paints, Primers, and Wallpapers have been globally-renown in the design community since the 1940s! They are especially well known for their marvelous colour palette, as well as eco-friendly, ultra-low VOC, and earth-based qualities-- they use the best quality pigments for each colour, meaning each colour is a unique recipe from another and cannot be matched.

They are safe to work with indoors, and safe around children and pets. Performance is impeccable, because this water-based paint is higher in paint pigment solids than other commercial brands of wall and trim paints. Visit us for a free project and product consultation, for colour swatches to take home, and for Estate Emulsion Sample Pots to test your design ideas at home! 

  • Covers approx. 95 sq.ft., for interiors only, washable and wipeable, 40% sheen. Available in all 132 colours.

  • Recommended for interior woods, metals, and concrete surfaces (such as trim, furniture, cabinets). Modern Eggshell is a semi-gloss/sheen that's extremely hardwearing, and can also be used for flooring projects. This water-based paint finish can be applied with a brush and/or roller with a recommended 2-step process of primer plus paint. Modern Eggshell is eco-friendly and ultra-low VOC, meaning a hardly detectable odor. It's quick drying in 2 hours and ready for recoating in 4 hours.

  • To apply with best success: Make sure your surface has been cleaned, dried, and free from debris prior to priming. Prime with one good coat of the best primer tone for your chosen paint colour and finish type, and let dry. Apply one coat of paint in a consistent manner, and recoat in 4 hours.

  • Visit our F&B Paint + Primer page to see which primer tone best matches to your chosen colour! *Why prime? Priming will ensure the best durability of your chosen paint finish for it's chosen location, and will ensure that your paint colour will match the sample you tried out (paint colours may look different on certain un-primed walls).

  • *All Farrow and Ball Paint is made to order, all sales are final. Please contact us asap with any questions at 512-766-3486 or! 


*View our Shipping Policies here.

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From subtle neutrals and muted pastels, to lively accents and rich dark hues, every 132 Farrow and Ball® colour has been created with care and thought to ensure they work beautifully both alone and as part of a scheme.

Estate Eggshell - Gallons
2" Farrow & Ball Paint Brush
1" Farrow & Ball Paint Brush
Farrow & Ball - Large Color Book
Wood Primer - Gallons